CIPM® Program candidate resources
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For full access to our candidate resources, please sign in.
Study tools and resources
Access the Learning Ecosystem (LES)
Explore the curriculum as well as study tools like personalized study plans, mock exams, flashcards, and more.

Curriculum errata
Find the latest updates and corrections to the curriculum. You can also submit suspected errors for review to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date content.
Join the LinkedIn group
Join the LinkedIn CIPM group to connect with other CIPM candidates and members.
Exam guide - start to finish
Schedule and manage your exam
Schedule and review the details of your exam appointment in your Candidate Tile.

Preparing for exam day
Exam calendar
View important dates and deadlines to stay on track with your exam preparation.
Exam policies
Be sure you are aware of all policies that could impact your exam experience.
Exam software
Get to know the software features of the exam using Prometrics tutorial.
Exam results and pass rates
Access your CIPM exam results, and check the latest pass rates and results timeline.
Understanding your results
Learn how to interpret your exam score, confidence intervals, and topic performance.
Share your achievement
Guidelines on how to share your Program status or designation on resumes and social media.
Additional resources
Explore scholarships designed to make the CIPM designation more accessible.